Chaitra is a horror movie written and directed by Jenith Kumar, produced by Mars...
Month: April 2023
The Malayalam movie Malikapuram is based on Lord Ayyappan’s concept of Sabari malai. Now...
Ponniyin Selvan movie was directed by Mani Ratnam and Starring Vikram, Karthi, ThAishwarya Rai,...
AK’s Thunivu and Thalapathy Vijay’s Varisu hit theaters on January 11, 2023. The audience...
Chiyaan Vikram plays the role of Aditya Karikalan in Ponniyin Selvan directed by Mani...
Silambarasan (Simbu) recently acted in the movie “Pathu Thala” directed by Obeli N. Krishna....
Actor Santhanam from the TV show Lolu Sabha. he has acted in many movies...
Actress Priya Bhavani Shankar came from TV show. She is now playing a role...
Kulasamy is about the relationship between brother and sister. Directed by “Kutti Puli” Saravanan...
Prashant Verma and Teja Sajja’s Prime Appear Amusement film ‘Hanu-Man’ Shooting has been formally...